Thursday, August 29, 2013

Simple Art Cards

This is literally a two minute project and it makes the sweetest little cards! I can't wait to send them out!

You will need:
-Colored Card Stock
-Images (printed to the size you want your card to be; mine are half sheets of a horizontal piece of printer paper)
-Glue Stick

Step 1:
Find, print, and cut out your images. Some of mine were just things I thought were pretty for writing just because letters, but I do have a slice of birthday cake, and you can certainly do these for other holidays.

Step 2:
Fold a piece of card stock in half and glue the image to it along the top edge, leaving some space to see the color.

Step 3: 
You can choose to leave this extra paper as part of the card, or cut it off.

And you're done! Quick and easy but it makes some really beautiful things. Here's all seven of mine finished.

I'd love to see what you create!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Origami Elephants

Awhile ago, I pinned these sweet little paper elephants. When I got around to clicking on them one day, it said it was a project for experienced folders and advised beginners, like myself, to try a simpler project first.

I ignored it.

Unbelievably, it worked anyway.

I'm so excited with how they turned out!

The plan for these little guys is to take them downtown and hand them to random strangers, because whose day wouldn't be made by getting a sweet little elephant?

If anyone wants to make their own, it's not as hard as they make it sound and this video I followed does a fantastic job of explaining it!

So have a lovely day and go make some sweet elephants!