Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Senior Banquet Party Food and Decor

As a junior dance fellow, it was my job to plan and put on the senior banquet in my college's dance department. Me being the crazy person that I am, I decided not to have our dining hall service cater the meal, or to have it off campus in a place that wouldn't need decorations. 

Nope. I spent the whole semester crafting, planning, and begging people to write notes for each of the seniors (most of which I got literally the day of. People.).

The last two days have been absolutely crazy in preparation, and I would not have made it if it weren't for my best friend who I am so thankful was willing to take time out of her finals schedule to cook for with me and help set everything up. She's a gem. We worked practically nonstop for I don't know how many hours, but it was so worth it because I think it turned out beautifully.

Let's start with the food:

I wanted something that just screamed summer, so what else would I make but cheesy potatoes? (This was also a selfish choice, because they are my absolute favorite). Next I made an easy tortellini pasta salad with peppers, provolone, red onion, and Italian dressing. Lastly, one huge fruit salad and a giant bowl of watermelon (more on that later). 

For dessert, I went basic with cupcakes...

...and then not so basic with jello made inside a watermelon. I first saw this as jello shots but as I'm neither 21 nor a person who drinks I wasn't interested in that, even for a non school event. 

To give you the basic run down, for one large watermelon, I used eight 6 oz. boxes of strawberry jello. For each box, I boiled 1 1/4 cups of water (less than the suggested amount, but that makes it firmer so it holds its shape when you cut.).

Step 1: Cut your watermelon in half long ways. Scoop out all the watermelon, leaving as smooth a surface as possible on the inside. I recommend a melon knife. I just bought this adorable one that actually looks like a watermelon and it is my new favorite thing.

Step 2: Make your jello and pour it into the watermelon to set. I left mine overnight, since it was pretty deep and I wanted it nice and firm before I cut it.

Step 3: Cut your jello into watermelon slices! I cut each half in half, as in the picture on the above right, then cut those halves in half the other way. Starting from what used to be the center of the quartered watermelon, I cut slices down towards the end. If there is extra watermelon shell exposed, as there is the picture above, cut that off carefully. Try to keep from flattening the shell as you cut as this will pull the jello off. When you finish, you'll have an adorable tray full of jello slices. These were a huge hit!

One more little tip for you, although this won't be something to do in bulk. 
As your scooping out the watermelon, you'll end up with lots of juice leftover. Pour this into a cup, add a little sugar (I didn't measure anything, just poured some in), and you'll have a sweet, refreshing drink to enjoy as your reward for all that cutting. Feel free to scoop out the seeds if you prefer. We didn't mind them.

We loved this so much that when the watermelon we cut up made more juice, we did this again! I'm telling you, it tastes like summer. It's so easy, and you don't waste any of that yummy watermelon!

I bet kids would love this too. I can see the kids I nanny asking for seconds and thirds.

Moving away from the food table, lets talk decorations. We were holding the banquet in the dance studio so I had lots of space to work with. So much it was overwhelming actually. I knew I needed to use lots of color to make up for the fact that I wouldn't be able to decorate everything. I made about one million pinwheels (or twenty something) with no idea where I would put them. I ended up thinking the tables looked a little sad, even with their brightly colored tablecloths so I put them all over.

 Speaking of pinwheels, let's talk about those. Pinterest people seem to think you need to do math and measure in order to make your folds even. False! It's simple origami! I don't even know how to do origami really, but I can do enough that I know you do not need to break out the calculator to make these accordion folds. I'm going to walk you through step by step.

Step 1: Fold your paper in half hot dog style.

Step 2: Fold one end into the middle. Repeat on the other side. You will end up with the shape on the far right.

Step 3: Unfold your paper and turn it over so you have three ridges folded mountain style. The next part is a little tricky to explain, but easy to do. Grab on to one of the ridges on either side of the center one. Pull it forward so it matches up with the center ridge and press down the other end. You will have created a fold halfway between the original two that is pointing the other way, valley style.


Step 4: Now take the end of that same side and fold it over the top to create another valley fold, halfway between the line you just pulled to the middle and the edge of the paper. Repeat steps 3-4 on the other side of the paper.

Step 5:. Fold the whole thing in half one more time, and then fold it in half the other way so so you have two open ends on one side and one loop at the other side. It will look like this.

Step 6: I don't have a picture of this step, but it's easy to understand. Pinch your accordion together at the top and cut in a diagonal line at the fanned end to create a nice shape when you put it all together. In the past, I have used decorative edge punches, curves, or other shapes for a different look! Repeat this whole process with two more pieces of paper to make a full circle. Tape them together, cut out a small circle or other shape for a center to cover the messy bit where's it's all attached, and you've made something quick, easy, and beautiful! No math necessary.

Back to the banquet itself.

We put the seniors down the middle of the 'U' in the place of honor. Each of them got a bag with a small gift: some chocolate, obviously, and my pet project for the semester, memory books. I had each person in the department write everyone a note on a little 4x6 card. Next I printed a bunch of pictures of them from shows, classes, and other dance department events. They all pulled them out and put them right back away because they didn't want to cry first thing. We also made them paper crowns with their name on it, because they're all royalty.

Here's a few pictures of all the books, the gifts and crowns on the table, and one more little decoration I made using yarn scraps from something you'll see in a minute.

(I was one tablecloth short... oops).

The final thing to show was, of course, a little photo backdrop. Due to time constraints, i wasn't able to make this quite as spectacular as I would have liked, but people loved it anyway. We took about a million pictures. I made giant pom poms, used a die cut to punch gold glitter letters that read "We love our seniors" and hung them across a blue tablecloth - would have liked to have had two, but what can you do.

So overall, the banquet was a huge success. A lot of work, but I'm proud of it, we had a lot of fun and I have leftover jello. :) Happy camper.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Apologies and Updates

As I expected myself to do, it's been like a year since I've updated. However, I have been crafting and sewing all along. Unfortunately, college takes precedent so I rarely have time to keep a consistent schedule. I will try to be better. After finals. I have three weeks to go. One huge paper, a writing portfolio, and a performance between me and SUMMER.

I cannot wait.

In the meantime, here are some of the things I've done. Keyword: some. I'm literally going to run through them all (way out of order) with one line descriptions and then once I've got time, I'll get back to real posts.

My best friend is the HR of two dorms and I sometimes help her with her bulletin boards. let's just say I was all over this one.

 I know Thanksgiving is long over, but I still love these Turkey cupcakes.
 Christmas is long over too, and I have finally removed the snowflakes from my dorm room door in favor of springier theme, but who doesn't love Christmas lights?

For some reason I used our one hour break during a dance intensive to make this simple skater skirt. Hard to see, because my dorm isn't ideal for taking nice pictures, but you what can you do.
Jumping back to Halloween, here are some pumpkins I made to decorate my room. I had to go outside an hunt down some twigs for these. 
When I went home for fall break, one of my old school friends and I whipped up these ombre spray painted mason jars which now house my pens and pencils. 
My best friend and I did a little room makeover for our friend who thought it was okay to sleep on a foam mattress topper  NOT covered in a sheet! If you couldn't guess, he loves Mario. (More on this later).
I love Halloween a lot, so here's me looking real cheesy with a pumpkin I painted at a floor program. Why I did this in white pants, I do not know. 
Back to the room makeover. We decorated the cardboard boxes he had to organize his things with Mario and Zelda references. 
For the Gala at my school, my friend and I made ourselves headbands since we couldn't find any good enough. 
Here it is in black and white because I look better.
And we're back to Thanksgiving. Meet Sylvia, the prettiest turkey ever. 
I actually made this coat over the summer, but bear with me. It will come in handy later.
Did you catch these hanging in my room in the Christmas decorations picture? I sewed these simple ruffled flowers and am still loving them at the end of the school year. Think they'll be making a comeback.
These washable and reusable snack bags have definitely come in handy. I put the vinyl on the outside because I was uncomfortable with plastic touching my food.
Think back to that perfect coat. I used the leftover fabric to sew up this sweet whale for my goddaughter's Christmas present (and she LOVED it).
One of several Christmas gifts for my mom. 

Michael's had these Marquee letter craft kits on an end cap, and I went nuts. One for me, one for my sister, and one for my home best friend.
One of my Christmas gifts for my dad. The background is a washed out picture of him and me walking into the Daddy Daughter Dinner Dance circa 2001. 

And most recently, I've been altering costumes for the performance I have coming up next week, and working on decorations for the senior dance major banquet I'm in charge of planning. Expect a REAL post on that coming in a few weeks. 

I apologize for the worst blog in the history of blogs. Better things to come.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Pillowcase Dresses (And What I Made for Christmas)

So this thing called college happened and even though I was still crafting, I forgot to post ANY of it on here. So much for weekly updates. Although I should never have expected that of myself anyway.

It's Spring Break now and I'm staying on campus to help with this musical I'm choreographing at one of the local high schools so I have had a LOT of time by myself, which means a lot of time to craft and watch Disney movies. In fact, within the last three days, I made three of these adorable pillowcase dresses from The Mother Huddle for my beautiful little goddaughter.

(Sorry for the poor quality phone pics. I was too lazy to get out my camera. Priorities.)

Here are the first two I made, using the suggested double folded bias tape for the strap. It took me quite a while to finish the first, but after that I was whipping them up quick! The last one (below) I tried the lined version, adding in this fun crocheted ribbon at the bottom and a string of ruffles as the strap. In love with them! I could make ten more.

Now let's go way back to Christmas. Usually I'm thrilled to talk about Christmas, but this winter has been so rough I don't even want to think about anything to do with the 'S' word, but I have to admit, it was an excuse for some fun crafting opportunities. I try to do at least 85% DIY gifts, if not 100%. And it usually goes over better than anything I could have bought.

I've done this before, but I made four of my best friends these photo books of happy things. Books you can look at when you feel sad or down or angry to remember all the things there are to be happy about.
Here's some example pages and covers. I usually use Picaboo but I think for one of them I used Shutterfly because of some sale or something. 

One of my roommates LOVES blacks, so I made her this bow clutch from Elm Street Life which I am seriously proud of. Still. Again, please ignore my awful picture. 

I guess I didn't really DIY these ones... but I got them printed on a photo book site called Printer Studio.

This is what I made for my dad. I used a Tim Holtz photo board I've been eyeing for a while and printed out black and whites of my sister and as babies, kids, and now. I wrote a quote about family and glued in three pennies - my parent's anniversary, my birth year, and my sister's birth year.
Sorry for the sideways picture. Technical difficulties.

For my goddaughter, who you can see by the dresses above, I spoil and use as a crafting excuse, I made this adorable little elephant from Create Studio. I love it so much. I ran to the store for more grey felt as soon as I finished but I still haven't had time to make more. I have a weakness for elephants.

And last but not least, (again sorry it's sideways) I made my fellow Disney loving friend this silhouette of the Cinderella castle, all hand drawn and cut from pink scrapbook papers. The letters caused my hand great agony but it was worth it. Anything princess related is worth it. 

Alright, that's enough. I'll try to be more regular, but let's be real. I've got back to back shows the rest of the semester. Life of a dance major.

Have a lovely Spring! It's coming!!